When Prednisone Stops Working In Canine Lymphoma

If your dog has lymphoma, you undoubtedly have many questions about how to treat. His poor reception of prednisone indicates that chemo wouldn't have worked. but it was best to wait to start treatment because it inevitably stops working, .
Prednisone has anticancer effects and can help dogs with lymphoma feel better for some period of time. Typically, the survival time for dogs with lymphoma receiving prednisone alone (i.e. without chemotherapy) is 1-3 months.
The medication can be used in dogs with lymphoma, provided the dog is not responding to chemotherapy or when surgery is no longer an option. Prednisone is .
Prednisone is frequently prescribed to dogs with lymphoma at the time of diagnosis, prior to consultation with a veterinary oncologist. Prednisone is a potent anti-inflammatory drug and can also help kill off a certain proportion of cancerous lymphocytes.

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