Therapy Dog Training Milwaukee

Our Therapy Dog Accreditation Program. Our Training & Accreditation program at PHP is unique. We offer the following: Knowledgeable and Dedicated Training .
Our Therapy Dog Classes are for dogs, cats, bunnies, horses and others! Based on the insights, experience and knowledge of an Animal-Assisted Therapy .
Guardian Angels Service and Therapy Dogs, LLC. Service Dog Training A service dog is defined as a dog individually trained to perform tasks for a person .
Many dog owners complete AKC CGC training and testing as a prerequisite to therapy dog certification. While the AKC does not certify therapy dogs, there are .
BKC offers a 7 week therapy dog class. A Family Dog skills class and the AKC Canine Good Citizen skills/certification is required but dogs with equal skills may .
The Pet Partners training course, which is the first step to become a Pet Partner, is for the human side of the therapy team. A therapy team consist of the human .
Each of these classes places an emphasis on building a strong and trusting relationship with your dog while you develop and refine the skills associated with .
Therapy Dogs are placed with individuals or families who want to take a well trained dog to visit nursing homes and assisted-living centers, participate in .

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