Stomach Tacking In German Shepherds

BLOAT OR GASTRIC DILATATION AND VOLVULUS (GDV) BLOAT can kill a dog in hours and is extremely painful!. Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), or bloat, is a serious, life-threatening condition of large breed dogs. Deep chested dogs such as German Shepherd Dogs are particularly at risk.
A gastropexy is a laparoscopic procedure that permanently attaches the dog's stomach to the abdominal wall. This prevents the stomach from “twisting” and causing a GDV (Gastic Dilation and Volvulus). This tends to happen in larger, deep-chested dogs but this can occur in any breed or age of dog.
German Shepherds, Akitas, and Standard Poodles are also commonly affected.. gastropexy site – showing the stomach tacked into place on the body wall.

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