Puppy Growth Chart

Our puppy weight estimator will calculate the adult weight from your puppy's. . Since every puppy is different, the average growth curve may not match exactly.
On average, small dogs take 9 months to reach their adult weight. While larger dogs can take up to 1.5 years to reach their adult weight. Do take note that the puppy weight chart is just an estimate. If your puppy's adult does not fall within the range of weights provided, it would be best to contact a veterinarian.
E.g. if your puppy is 7 lbs at 12 weeks then he will be inbetween 29.3 and 32.5 lbs as an adult or, to be more accurate, you can find the average which is 29.3 + 32.5 divided by 2 30.9 lbs as an adult. If your puppy's age isn't on the chart do this to find his weight at a certain age.
Studies done in the UK indicate that you can expect a small or medium breed puppy to reach 99% of it's adult weight somewhere between 9 and 10 months of age. Large or giant breed puppies take longer to mature, and don't reach this stage until they're at least 12 – 18 months old.

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