Most Dangerous Dogs 2018

The Rottweiler came second with 45 fatal attacks recorded while the German Shepherd was third with 20. Even some breeds that are not associated with aggression, such as the Labrador Retriever, also make the top-10 list with 9 fatal attacks documented.
A Centers for Disease Control survey in the late 1990s and more recent analysis by Animals 24-7 based mostly on news reports agree: Pit bulls are by far the .
But, which breed of dog is actually the most dangerous one? Let's try looking at actual data rather than coming up with emotional judgements about Petey from .
As can be seen from the following infographic, the Pit Bull is still the breed/type of dog responsible for the most fatal attacks with 284 incidents identified, 66 percent of the toal. The Rottweiler comes a distant second with 45 fatal attacks over those 13 years while the German Shepherd is third with 20.

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