Most Affectionate Dog Breed

Labrador Retriever. Born to please, it's a wonder these friendly pups don't give their hoomans a cavity, they're so sweet. Golden Retriever. Goldens are big, friendly lugs. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The American Pit Bull. Brussels Griffon. Old English Sheepdog. Affenpinscher. Chihuahua.
Looking for a super-affectionate dog breed? We've rounded up some of our favourite snuggle buddies for your consideration. Whether you're looking for a .
pit bull lap dog most affectionate dog breeds · For Dog People By Kiki. These dogs are the huggers, the leaners, the affectionate head-butters. The dogs with .
8 Affectionate Dog Breeds Always Ready to Snuggle. Labrador Retriever. The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, and it's no surprise it tops the list as being one of the most affectionate. Greyhound. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Golden Retriever. American Pit Bull Terrier. Old.
In this article, we are counting down the top twenty most affectionate dog breeds that you can adopt into your family, with dogs of all shapes and sizes that you .
What could be better than dog kisses and canine cuddles? These breeds aren't afraid to show their love for you, in fact, they insist on it! Having one of these .

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