Mini French Bulldog Info

While bred primarily as pets and companions, Frenchies are remarkably intelligent and serve as good watchdogs. It is fairly well established that one of the ancestors of the French Bulldog is, not surprisingly, the English Bulldog (most likely one of the toy variety).
The French Bulldog has enjoyed a long history as a companion dog. Created in England to be a miniature Bulldog, he accompanied English lacemakers to .
Though we have labeled our babies as “mini” this tends to be a matter of opinion.. I give the French bulldog breed a tremendous amount of credit, but keep in .
French Bulldogs: the most honest dog breed review you'll ever find about French Bulldog temperament, personality, and behavior.
Although The French Bulldog may look like a bruiser it acts like a gentleman. Perfect at sitting around and being cute they are great family dogs who do well with .

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