Leonberger Temperament

Leonbergers: the most honest dog breed review you'll ever find about Leonberger temperament, personality, and behavior.
Leonberger Dog Breed Information and Personality Traits. Calm, quiet but stubborn, the Leonberger needs significant interaction with people. It is an ideal breed for a guardian who wants a large, active dog that can be taken hiking, backpacking and swimming.
A Final Word about the Leonberger Temperament and Personality. The Leonberger is such a gentle soul, despite his huge size. He's sensitive to people's emotions and gets upset when they do. He's a great guard dog, but don't keep him outside to keep watch.
Sharpness is never acceptable in the Leonberger breed and only dogs with friendly temperaments should ever be bred. With other dogs, the Leonberger should be eager but again confident, showing the social graces that make them a joy to get a long with. They may be either playful or indifferent after a thorough greeting.
Most Leonbergers are wonderful, loving dogs, but due to their size and strength, they are NOT the dog for everyone. They require time, dedication, grooming and .
Temperament and Personality Leonberger are cheerful and friendly. This dog is the embodiment of all the good qualities that a person values in a pet. He has .
The giant dog breed Leonberger is a mix of Newfoundland, Great Pyrenees, and Saint Bernard. Characterized by a large, muscular structure, the Leonberger .

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