How To Train A Dog For Toilet

An alternative method to paper training is crate (puppy playpen) training, where puppies are taught to wait in their own, special space before they're taken outside. The key is to give them an opportunity to relieve themselves at least every two hours, especially after eating, sleeping or playing.
Need tips on how to toilet train your puppy or dog? We help you understand and build a routine to help with your puppy's potty training at home and out on .
Choose an area where you would like your pup to toilet – this might be a pee pad on your apartment balcony or in a bathroom, or outside. The moment your pup indicates it needs to go, take it to this area. This teaches them that they need to go to this spot or area when they feel the need to go to the toilet.
The key to toilet training is supervision, confinement, routine and lots of praise.. estimated times and can change depending on the size and breed of your dog.
How great would it be if your big dog used the toilet, the same as you and the rest of the family! Especially if you could train him to put the seat down and flush.

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