Harlequin Great Dane

Great Dane information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the. being the black-and-white patchwork pattern known as “harlequin.”.
Information on Harlequin Great Danes including photos and more.
Quoted from the AKC Standard about Harlequin Great Danes (in regards to conformation showing) "The base color shall be pure white with black torn patches
A Complete Guide To The Harlequin Great Dane. Everything you need to know – from temperament, to characteristics, health issues, training, price and.
Adoptable Dogs. *A fenced yard is required to adopt a dog! Invisible and electric fences are NOT acceptable, fenced area must attach or surround the area .
The Great Dane's coat colors include brindle, fawn, blue, black, harlequin (white with black patches) and mantle (black and white with a solid black “blanket” .

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