Great Pyrenees Tail Curl

Great Pyrenees Tail Curl

Great Pyrenees Breed Information Rescue.. It should hang down so that the last bone of the tail reaches at least to the hock. A kink (Shepard's. Coats should be straight or slightly waving (never curly or standing out from the body). COLOR: .
The tail is plumed and carried low when relaxed and high or curled over the back when excited. The Great Pyrenees has a thick double coat to protect it from .
Appearance & Grooming of the Great Pyrenees Dog Breed: The average. and the long, plumed tail reaches at least to the hocks, curling upward at the end in .
When present, a "shepherd's crook" at the end of the tail accentuates the plume.. . A Great Pyrenees' coat should never be curly or stand-off (standing out from .
Is a great pyrenees dog with a curly tail rare?. Rating star, Curly Tail by: Donna No. A curly tail is a physical characteristic of the Pyr. If you are interested in .
The Great Pyrenees dog breed's goal in life is to protect sheep, goats, livestock, people, children, grass, flowers, the moon, the lawn furniture, bird feeders, and .

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