Egg Yolk For Parvo

The 2-mo-old dogs were divided into 3 groups and treated with powders containing CPV-2 IgY or normal egg yolk for 7 d after the challenge. The 4 dogs receiving normal egg yolk (control group) demonstrated mild symptoms typical of CPV-2 infection, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss.
It is a generalized condition which causes diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and weakness. It's true that raw egg can help in the treatment and management of a dog with a parvovirus infection. A raw egg has more then 40 different components which are helpful in supporting a dog with parvo.
egg yolks are a healthy source of nutrients for dogs There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about raw feeding and it seems the poor egg is often.
Egg yolk, from chicken eggs, is a high protein source of food as well as a powerful agent for fighting Parvo. Chicken egg yolk contains powerful immunoglobulins .
If your dog or puppies are showing symptoms of Parvovirus, and you are. . Egg yolk derived from unvaccinated chickens works best to get rid of Parvo in dogs.
Same exact problem as eggs – harmful bacteria which will make matters worse for your dog. Do not give your sick Parvo dog any poultry products in any form, .
Harvested from the yolks of goose eggs, the parvoONE antibody-based treatment showed a 90 percent Canine parvovirus cure rate. (Photo credit: KC Pet .

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