Caucasian Shepherd Dog Dangerous Dogs

The ears of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog are traditionally cropped, although some modern dogs are unaltered. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has been assigned the Working Group designation. The Caucasian Ovcharka has been recorded in the Foundation Stock Service since 1996.
The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a strong willed, loyal, fearless dog. He is a formidable guard dog who is only suitable really to protect property such as large commercial estates, in prisons and by the Military. Despite looking like an adorable cuddle monster – this breed is not a family pet!
This large breed of Italian mastiff is a descendent of the dogs Roman soldiers. Crossing with a dog with a protective nature, e.g. a German Shepherd can. This enormous dog goes by several names including the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.
Caucasian Shepherd Dog breed information including pictures, training, behavior, and care of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs.
Tszaker the Caucasian Ovcharka is sitting on a rock and looking down and to. . Kane and Abel the Caucasian Shepherd puppies are sitting on each side of a .

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