Basenji Hypoallergenic

Basenjis are a lovely sight at a standstill but more impressive yet at a fast trot, when they exhibit the long, smooth strides of a mini-racehorse. And yes, it's true, .
Yes but the good news is;the short-haired Basenji dog sheds very little, he keeps himself extremely clean he also doesn't slobber and the Basenji bark is non-existent making it easy to keep those protein particles under control.
Discover facts and personality traits about the basenji dog breed. Learn what it is like to live with this breed.
A healthy young Basenji with a beautiful hypoallergenic coat. Basenjis are a short coated breed of dog that don't shed any of their coat. They also have very little .
Out of Africa, the Basenji dog breed was originally found in the Congo. He uses both scent and sight to hunt and was originally used to flush small game into a .
The Basenji is alert, affectionate, energetic and curious. Origin: Congo. Life span: 10-12 years. Hypoallergenic: Yes. Intelligence: #78. Popularity (2017): #84.

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