5 Month Old German Shepherd Weight

Females: Height at the wither 55 cm to 60 cm (21.65 inches – 23.62 inches) Weight 22 kg – 32 kg (48.5 pounds – 70.55 pounds; Midrange 59.5 pounds)
A newly born German Shepherd puppy can easily fit in one or two adult sized hands when they're born (depending on hand size). But by the time they're a year old they often weigh around 80 pounds for a male and about 65 to 70 for a female!
The Average weight for 5 months German Shepherd is 17- 22 kg. GSD is trained dog. It is very active and Very protective. GSD has two layer coat with beautiful .
You German Shepherd puppy reached 5 month, now, according to growth chart, a male pup should weight around 50,5 lbs. and a female should be about 45 lbs .

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