Putting my Male 2 year old Olde English Bulldogge up for stud. He weighs 85lb. Great healt. Milwaukee, Wisconsin » Olde English Bulldogge ». $500 .
Healthy, cuddly puppies! Vet certificate, vaccinated, health guarantee. Yorkie, Cavalier King Charles, Maltese, Bichon, Cavachon, Teddy Bear Shichon.
Petland Racine, has a variety of puppies and dogs for sale including German shepherd, Australian shepherd, yorkie, boxer, french bulldog & other breeds.
We have a beautiful litter of Shepadoodle puppies for sale! Their are 6 males and 2 females. They are raised on our hobby farm and are handled daily by our 6 .
Though we at Wisconsin Puppy Mill Project would like to see ALL commercial dog breeders looking for a different source of income, the intent and purpose of .
One of Wisconsin's leading sellers of designer puppies. Typical breeds: Shorkie, Teddy Bear, Cavapoos, Teddyshire, Cavachon, Cockapoo, Maltipoo, Whoodles .
Puppies, puppies and more puppies of Wisconsin ♡♡♡ has 7843 members. **