Great Dane Twisted Stomach

Great Dane Twisted Stomach

Gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome (GDV) is an extremely painful, life-threatening condition, in which the stomach rotates on its axis and becomes grossly distended by gas and fluid.. Dogs with stomach rotation will die in great pain within a few hours without prompt treatment.
A twisted stomach, also referred to as gastric torsion or bloat, is caused when air gets trapped in the stomach, causing it to twist and rotate. As it twists, more air becomes trapped. If left untreated, this can be extremely painful to your dog and can lead to death within a few hours.
Additionally, large and giant-breed dogs may be at higher risk, especially deep-chested breeds such as great Danes, German shepherds, and standard poodles.
It is unclear whether twisting or distension of the stomach occurs first.. For instance, great Danes have a 42% chance of developing this medical condition in .

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