About the German Shorthaired Pointer. Male German Shorthaired Pointers stand between 23 and 25 inches at the shoulder and weigh anywhere from 55 to 70 pounds; females run smaller. The coat is solid liver (a reddish brown), or liver and white in distinctive patterns. The dark eyes shine with enthusiasm and friendliness.
Color chart for German Shorthaired Pointer dogs.. Liver, Liver & White, Liver & White Patched. Liver & White Patched & Ticked, Liver & White Ticked
The distinctive coat is solid liver or a combination of liver and white. It can be ticked (small, isolated areas of black hairs on a white background), patched, or roaned (a fine mixture of colored hairs with white hairs). For instance, a liver roan GSP has a deep reddish-brown coat lightened by white hairs.
See GSP 101 Here and more about the Breed Here -this is a generic start.. The color can be a dark brown, correctly referred to in English as "liver" (incorrectly .
Roan, shown in liver. Notice with roan that there is a 50/50 dispersal of colored hairs to white hairs. This can also be seen in other breeds of dogs, like blue .
The German Shorthaired Pointer is a versatile all-purpose gundog.. Coat colors include solid liver, liver and white, liver ticked or patches, white ticked or liver .