Dog shows (conformation events) are intended to evaluate breeding stock. The size of these events ranges from large all-breed shows, with over 3,000 dogs entered, to small local specialty club shows, featuring a specific breed.
Each of the more than 190 AKC registered breeds and varieties are assigned to one of seven groups representing characteristics and functions the breeds were .
Bred By Exhibitor Class (dogs bred by the person showing the dog or an immediate family member) Amateur Owner Handler Class. (defined by the exhibitor not the dog) Open Class (any animal, any age, any handler).
If the show also has obedience classes the catalogue will list each dog by class and entry. . WB-Winners Bitch (see definition above in terminology section).
Where there is no qualification, the Definition applies to all types of Shows.. Class: Classification: Minor Puppy. For dogs of 6 and not exceeding 9 calendar .
Find out what dogs show awards rack up points and how dogs win dog show awards.. Puppy: Dogs between six and 12 months old are eligible for this class.
Other dogs early in their exposure to shows may be nervous at shows or may not yet. . AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows and for the Miscellaneous Class breeds as listed in Ch 3, Sec. .. A current assistant is defined as anyone employed by .