Can Animals Drink Well Water

WATER AND PETS. You've seen it, probably even done it. Drinking bottled water, or filtered water from the refrigerator while your cat, dog or other pet's water bowl is filled from that, ugh, tap.. As stated earlier, municipal and well water can contain many harmful things, even parasites.
Avoiding Hard Water For Your Dog. Since most holistic vets recommend not giving dogs tap water because of chemicals like fluoride or chlorine and contaminants like heavy metals, the easy solution to avoiding hard water as well as other toxins is to give your dog filtered or bottled water.
Me & my mom just moved to a house that has black sulfur water. Is it safe?. Is there anything we can do or put in the well? Is it safe for our dog & cat to drink?
Water for dogs can be slightly cool in the summer and room temperature in the. Excessive salt in a dog's diet, which can result from drinking salt water, can. in ourselves as well as animals, i have started to give my dog smart water too, .
“If you wouldn't drink this water, you shouldn't give this to your dogs,” says. While you can buy a water testing kit from a store and mail it off somewhere, .

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