Belgian Dog Training Commands

DUTCH. Heel. Fuss (fooss) Au pied (oh-pee-aye) K noze (kno zay) Sit. Sitz (siitz) Assis (ah-see) Sedni (said nee) Stay. Bleib (bly'b) Reste (rest) Zustan. Down. Platz. Coucher (coo-shay) Come. Hier (hee er) Ici(e see) Stand. Steh (shtay) Debout (da-boo) Retrieve/Fetch. Bring (brrring) Rapporte (aport) Jump. Hopp. Saute.
Common commands used for communicating with dogs in several languages.
Learn German dog commands and have a well behaved dog! Using dog training commands in a different language can help your dog learn faster! Find them all .
Learn dog training commands and how to effectively teach your pet from basic to advanced behaviors on cue.
Dog Commands Training – CLICK PIC for Various Dog Care and Training Ideas.. . Belgium Malinois, Belgian Malinois Dog, Belgian Shepherd, German .
We all know that some basic obedience training makes dogs more fun to be around. What many of us don't know is that it has other, less obvious, benefits.
Here you will find commonly used Dutch dog training commands for obedience, protection, tracking and more. These commands are translated from English to .
You can choose to only speak to your dog in Dutch or you can make him bilingual by training commands in English and Dutch back-to-back or simultaneously.

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