Ancient Egyptian Greyhound

The modern greyhound is strikingly similar in appearance to an ancient breed of sighthounds that goes back to the Egyptians and Celts.. The Celts, on the other hand, believed that greyhounds came from Greece, and so called them "Greek hounds" (greyhound may in fact be a derivation of Greek hound).
The Whippet: Whippets were the dogs of the Egyptian kings and most likely originated through the breeding of Greyhounds with pariah dogs. The result was a smaller, faster, hunting dog. Whippets were popular for hunting in open terrain where they could make the best use of their speed in bringing down game.
Mentioned in Ancient Time. they were often found in depictions of royal courts, and in some cases they were even found mummified in ancient Egyptian tombs, .
However, these pictures show resemblance to basenji, saluki, greyhounds, mastiffs others. The Dogs of Ancient Egypt. Some of the possible breeds derived from .
The greyhound, as we know it today, was worshipped in ancient Egypt. The death of a favorite greyhound was treated the same as the death of a human.
Greyhound. Greyhound, Special breeds of dogs were kept as pets and used by the ancient Egyptians for hunting. They appear in tomb paintings with their .
The first records of greyhound type dogs appear about 8,000 years ago. In ancient Egypt, greyhounds were revered as gods, and only royalty were allowed to .

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